Brett Lockspeiser CV

2011-12 - Founder, Sefaria, San Francisco, CA. New Interfaces for Jewish Texts.
2011-12 - Artist in Residence, Dolores Labs, San Francisco, CA.
2009-12 - Project Director, Kapsul, San Francisco, CA. Collaborative Curating for Contemporary Art, with Kadist Art Foundation.
2009-11 - Artist in Residence, CrowdFlower, San Francisco, CA.
2008 - Product Manager, Serious Business, San Francisco, CA. Friends for Sale, Rock Legends!, Project Breakout
2007 - Monk / Grounds Keeper, Green Gulch Farm, Muir Beach, CA.
2007 - Yeshiva Buchor (chiloni), Yeshivat Bat Ayin, Bat Ayin, Israel.
2005-7 - Associate Product Manager, Google, Mountain View, CA. Google News Archive Search, Google Premium, Google Labs, Google Alerts and Company OKRs.
2000-5 - Student, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. B.S Symbolic Systems with concentration in Natural Language. Studies in the philosophy of Edmund Husserl, the nature of ideas, judgement, language, logic and mathematics, natural language processing, formal (mathematical) logic, computer music.
2004-5 - Head Coordinator, Stanford Spring Faire, Stanford, CA. Arts and Crafts faire serving as the sole source of financial support for the Bridge Peer Counseling Center. Also served as Vendor Services Coordinator, 2001-2002, 2003-2004.
2004 - Research Assitant, Empirical Psycholinguistics, Palo Alto, CA. Searching for evidence of inborn universal grammar in children.
2003 - Monk / Housekeeper, Green Gulch Farm, Muir Beach, CA.
2003 - Assistant Teacher, Jüdisches Gymnasium (Jewish Highschool), Berlin, Germany. Designed and taught curricula in English Language, Literature, American History and Jewish Thought.
2002 - Visiting Scientist, Keck Center for Integrative Neuroscience, UCSF, San Francisco, CA. Designed and implemented algorithms for automatic parsing and identification of birdsongs.
2001 - Bookseller / Tabaconist, Paris on the Platte Bookstore, Denver, CO.
2000 - Intern,, Denver, CO.
2000 - Barista, Finster Brothers Bagels, Denver, CO.
2000 - Laborer, Calcon Constructors, Denver, CO.
1999 - Yeshiva Bachor (dati), Yeshivat Bat Ayin, Bat Ayin, Israel.
1999 - Fellow, Bronfman Youth Fellowships in Israel, Jerusalem, Israel.
1997-9 - Student, East High School, Denver, CO.

For a complete professional resume, email cv at brettlockspeiser dot com.